Around 50% of all Floridians live in some
sort of community association, governed by various Florida
statutes -- statutes that differ widely, making it often
difficult for board members and owners to understand the rules.
Mking it even more complicated is the fact that many folks --
including the media -- call every community association a HOA
(short form for HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION), even if it's a
condominium, a co-op or a mobile home.
The difference comes with the statute
governing this specific association.
These are the statutes governing the
different kinds of community associations:
- FS 190 - CDD (Community Development
- FS 718 - Condominium Association
- FS 719 - Co-Op (Cooperatives)
- FS 720 - HOA (Homeowners'
- FS 723 - Mobile Homes (Mobile Home
Park Lot Tenancies)
Always make sure that you are looking at the correct statute. If
in doubt, look at the statute and you'll find a paragraph listed
as "DEFINITION". That explains in detail in what kind of
community association you are living! Before trying to educate
yourself,please make sure that you are looking at the correct
statute! |